About Us

Welcome to Hope Charitable Trust

The trust is managed by Sri. D.PRASANNA KUMAR Chairman is known for his excellence in understanding the problems of rural poor, himself hailing from farming community who has spent most of his childhood and studies in interior villages. He is popular among the poor as a man with humane heart, very compassionate and can be looked up to in times of need.His primary objective is to make Trust participate actively in the sphere of social and community service with innovative social initiatives, need-based support programs and sensitization activities.

I was born in a simple middle class family in a village called Sarapaka. From the days of my studies, even till now, there is something unknown in me that is the hunger pain of some people seen on the roads, bus stands and railway stations. Whenever I see such people with poor clothing, I feel an unknown pain in my heart.
As I have the burden of helping such people every day, I have been helping some on my own and some with the help of God.
Based on the idea, a trust was formed for this. The main purpose of this trust is found in the Holy Bible Book of James 2 : 15,16 It is written in this way in the verses that we, brother or sister, are distressed when there is no daily meal among you. What is the use if one says that he should not give the body what it wants - be cold, be cold, and be satisfied? Anu e
God's words made me think and affected me so much. Similarly in the Gospel of Matthew 25:40 this is very small
Jesus said to them, "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of your brothers, you did it to me." 

The organization has been expanding continuously in terms of social and Educational development and Medical service, Food and Sheltering to Orphans. It has worked for the promotion of sustainable, equitable and participatory development, social welfare and social justice through: Program for social work, Establishment of Educational Technical and Medical Institutes supportive relief and education to the people, Health service and other human service through social research and dissemination of socially relevant knowledge, social intervention through training and field action, contribution to social and welfare policy and program at state, National and International levels, over the Years, The organization has among others (NGOs,Trusts) thrusts made A significant contribution to planning, action strategies and Human Resource Development in several areas, ranging from sustainable rural and urban development to education, health, Agriculture, and Human Rights, in all case, the focus has been on the disadvantaged and marginalized section of societies, such as women, children and tribal.

I am continuing and I hope that you will also understand and agree with these words and cooperate with us.
Thank you all

Our Mission

We are destined to support the needy rural communities with adequate care, protection, rehabilitation support with innovative service initiatives to alleviate their lives economically, socially, culturally and health wise.

HOPE CHARITABLE TRUST encourages the following values to be practiced both at individual and organizational level: 

- Honesty.
- Transparency and Accountability.
- Mutual respect.
- Creativity.
- Gender sensitiveness.
- Cost efficiency.
- Participation.
- Solidarity.

Our Vision

We aim to provide complete support, protection and care to needy and deprived people in the society with special focus on rural communities; and aim to bring in change in their lives.

Our Documents